Fiber Artist:  Sharon DeBoer
Artist:  Patty Eisenbraun

Quilted Block

Sharon DeBoer wanted to depict her Airedale, Biscuit, who loves to swim, leaping into the river.  Here is her story about Biscuit. 
Biscuit appeared to be a non-swimmer for the first two years of her life. There was no way anything but her tongue was going in ANY body of water, including a rain puddle on the road.

The summer she turned two, a friend of mine invited us out to his house on the river, and another dog was there for the picnic as well. That labra-doodle LOVED to retrieve in the water - balls, sticks, floaty toys, whatever you threw, the dog would dive in, swim to it, and bring it back. It was fun watching Biscuit REALLY want to do the same thing, but shying away when a paw would hit the water. Then someone threw a ball within about two feet of her nose, and she could wade out to get it - and that ended her fear. She retrieved that ball, realized that it wasn't as bad as she had thought, and from that moment on, she joined her swimming companions on all the adventures in the river. Now, when we go for a bike ride along the river, she'll wade in and crouch down so her whole stomach is in the cool water while she drinks.

Original Drawing
Unquilted Block

Here's a progress photo.


  1. Love this block and what a great story about Biscuit! Wonderful job, Sharon and Patty!

  2. What great fabric choices for the water! and love the Biscuit story--no water fear!! LOL great block Patty and Sharon
