Fibert Artist:  Lori Taylor
Artist:  Patty Eisenbraun

Quilted Block

Lori Taylor's inspiration for this block was:  When our Quilting Bee decided to do the Leap Y'Aire theme for 2016, I immediately thought of one of my Airedales favorite leaping activities.  That activity can be described in one word:  SQUIRRELS!  Many times, I have seen Scarlett or Claire jumping up (and barking) at a furry grey squirrel up in the big mulberry tree in our backyard. So for my 2016 quilt block, I asked my artist, Patty Eisenbraun, to depict an Airedale leaping up at a squirrel sitting on a tree branch looking down at her.  When there is a squirrel in the tree, even their favorite big blue ball sits idly by at the base of the tree.

Original Drawing

Unquilted Block

 Here are some of Lori's block progress photos:

Tree Leaves

1 comment :

  1. Squirrels are so evil☺ Love your story! Beautiful job, Lori and Patty!
